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Pinned ideas

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PINNED Spreadsheets - generate dashboard link
I really like the webbased spreadsheets in ARIS 10 SR24. Please also enable the generate dashboard link option via web similar to the option in ARIS Architect
PINNED Multiselection attributes
It would be good, if there was an attribute where multiple values could be selected, instead of creating multiple value/bool attributes. And therefore maintaining only one attribute instead of many.

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Showing 20

Please add a documentation for Dashboard-Widgets including examples how to use

Please add a documentation for Dashboard-Widgets including examples how to use The documentation should include: Description of the Widget Example-Screenshot How to add the Widget to a Dashboard? Example for the data assignment (including screensh...
Thorsten Auriga 5 months ago in Documentation & Help 0 Already exists

Comments in calculated fields

It is not possible to add comments in the definition of the calculated fields of the analysis model, either visual or developed in code. If the calculation has a certain complexity, reviewing it after some time means taking time to find out why ce...
Isidre Fabregas over 1 year ago in Process Mining 1 Already exists

In-product renewal option

Dear colleagues, is there any possibility to start the renewal process for ARIS Basic & Advanced subscriptions directly from ARIS?
Ellen Riehm over 1 year ago in Technical Administration 0 Already exists

Please enable ARIS to be able to connect to Azure SQL since everyone is moving towards Cloud

No description provided
Kelvin Lim almost 2 years ago in Technical Administration 1 Already exists

Darstellung der Datenbankrechte

When granting rights to a database, the dedicated right can be selected from a menu - see attachment. These rights can currently no longer be displayed. A report (?) is necessary here in order to be able to evaluate its settings. Deutsch: Bei der ...
Alfred Wieser almost 2 years ago in Technical Administration 1 Already exists

Catalog index filtering for all attributes

Hello, You can filter by letters and numbers in ARIS Connect under "Published Content -> Catalog". However, only the attribute "Name" can be filtered here. It would be an advantage if it were also possible to filter for other text attributes,...
Sören Schmitt about 2 years ago in Publication & Collaboration 1 Already exists

Export feed preview to CSV - ARIS AWARE

Hi team,I would like to see a new feature in AWARE data feed designer to export the preview results into a csv file.This can be very useful to troubleshoot/validate complex data feed scenarios by opening the feed results in MS Excel and performing...
Niazi Darwish over 2 years ago in Dashboarding 0 Already exists

Specifying own colors on color pallets - ARIS Aware

Could be have an option to select and specify our own colors especially when we have stacked column chart.
Stanley Manoto almost 3 years ago in Dashboarding 1 Already exists

Aware - Filterbereich Negativfilter

Möglichkeit, alle Prozessinstanzen anzuzeigen, wo gewählte Funktion/en nicht vorkommt/en
Marius Wittrop almost 3 years ago in Dashboarding 1 Already exists

Make model type names on/off through configuration set

Hello, We've learned that SR11 has the opportunity to make a change in xml configuration file to make visible the model type name in the navigation. This helps a lot when two or more models with the same name but of different model types located w...
Guest almost 3 years ago in Publication & Collaboration 3 Already exists