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How can we make ARIS better?


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Use Aris Companion AI for automated translation.

Use of the Aris Companion AI to automate translation of task's name and description. Problem to solve It is sometimes time consuming to systematically translate object names and descriptions into multiple languages, often NL/FR/EN. And I can imagi...
Patrick Evrard 3 months ago in Companion 0 Open for voting

Companion: AI-based Attributes Text Suggestions

Description: Develop an AI-powered feature within ARIS to automatically generate process descriptions, objectives, and other default attributes based on the designed process model. This feature will be accessible via a small button next to each at...
Tim Knechtel 7 months ago in Companion 0 Open for voting

Use AI to help generating object descriptions

Many objects are created everyday in Aris and it is sometimes difficult to day what they represents since users are so creative. The Description field is often not populated because it takes time to create a clear and concise description. When cre...
Patrick Evrard 4 months ago in Companion 1 Open for voting