Currently, the ARIS Repository API handles connections between objects only indirectly. To retrieve them, the query API has to be used, which does not return the information in the same consistent way that objects and models use. Creating CxnDefs ...
Ich als ARIS API Benutzer möchte DB Attribute lesen und schreiben (löschen) können. Als ARIS API Benutzer lese ich zum Beispiel DB Attribute um bestimmte Informationen zur Datenbank in ARIS Connect anzuzeigen. Diese Methoden fehlen derzeit in der ...
ADS API is missing the method to list the document stakeholders
The actual ADS API contains the ADSDocumentStakeHolder method but there is no possibility to get the list of ADSDocumentStakeholder of an uploaded document in the document store. Proximus uses the ARIS Connect document store to upload design and D...
For easier way to work with data, it would be good to be able to store data in tables. The tables should be able to be read and written with SQL commands in reports, and the data should also be able to be used in dashboards. For data exchange, the...
Integration to OpenText providing equivalent functionality to the SharePoint Integration
The current strategy at the EPO is to migrate all SharePoint content to OpenText therefore we need to provide the same functionality that is currently present within Aris for SharePoint integration.
Normally when you do api calls, you can switch between put and post. ARIS APIs are very specific. We are using a tool that won't allow put. A work around would have been wonderful
Right now when you submit an authorization token api call, the password needs to be hardcoded in plain text for the api call. That is considered a big risk in my company. We need the ability to have the api calls accept encrypted passwords. Basic ...
Hello, We are using ARIS Connect to design our process, and SAP
SOLMAN to document processus and process steps.
We interface ARIS and SOLMAN, ARIS exporting the process
to SOLMAN and SOLMAN exporting the documentation to ARIS.
In ARIS, we would ...
Connection with standart clouders to import corresponding IT infrastructure
Hello, Our customers would like ARIS to be able to connect to principal clouders (as AWS, AZURE and Google) to import and automatically generate/update IT Infrastructure diagrams with corresponding symbols. Best regards.