Create objects in thin client also adding connections
ARIS Connect designer offers a powerful tool with "create objects". With this table upload it is possible to mass create objects while maintaining attributes. It would be great to have the capability of defining connections between the objects imp...
Hello, From our client, every day we have to modify the default seeting of models. As you can see in the file attached, we are showing both: - default seetings - seetings modified by me. If I close the client, the client lose changed seetings.
Jump feature to activities within a model or to other models.
Our modeling standards do not allow lines to cross, so it is necessary to jump, to jump to another activity with a model. Also, many times our models jump to their models. Previously we could select the jump and it would automatically go there. Ar...
There are times when an activity has 2 flow points to the same box to designate 2 workstreams. This is not allowed in Aris. Note: ARIS drawn lines (as opposed to connections) do not currently allow for arrow endpoints
You can't read the Role Names. The swim lanes need to be sized to the length on the name instead of minimized to save space. I think this has been requested with ARIS. Note: Instead of Sideways if it can be displayed on top left corner horizontall...
ADS configuration option: file type dependent size limit
More image files should be integrated into the processes (e.g. documentation) or mini fact sheets. To keep the required storage space in the ADS small, the size of the image files should be limited. But the size of e.g. PowerPoint files should not...
I find the handling of APG symbols (e.g. timer event) not straight forward: you can add them in filters and express them in EPCs when you use the Architect. However, you can view them only in Connect. There is no indication that this is not possib...
Create option to hide FAD model into an "Attribute" of superior object or attribute to store satellite elements into an "attirbute".
Would be great to have FAD model embeded within the Object. There is no need for this model with satellite modeling. Alternativelly, create an attribute that can store objects that are modelled using content type configuration via Satellite modell...