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My ideas: Process Mining

Showing 188

Transformation| Datediff To enable timespan difference calculation in the data transformation
Monika Leitner over 1 year ago in Process Mining 0 Open for voting

Analysis | count characters of String

count the characters in a string
Monika Leitner over 1 year ago in Process Mining 0 Open for voting

Analysis | Offset Calculation | SparkSQL

pyspark.sql.functions.lag -> previous value pyspark.sql.functions.lead -> next value
Monika Leitner over 1 year ago in Process Mining 0 Open for voting

Analysis | RunningSum | SparkSQL Window Function

Window functions are useful for processing tasks such as calculating a moving average, computing a cumulative statistic, or accessing the value of rows given the relative position of the current row
Monika Leitner over 1 year ago in Process Mining 0 Open for voting

Create insight actions/triggers directly in the UI (dashboard)

Insights actions/triggers can help driving process excellence. Unfortunately, the current setup is inconvenient since e.g. conditions must be set up from scratch, even though some components showing the same exist already. Moreover, the key person...
Guest over 2 years ago in Process Mining 0 Open for voting

Relative time selection

When I repeatedly import new data (e.g. using the automation) on a periodic basis (daily, weekly, monthly), I'd like to view the ' latest' result in the analysis. Therefor productive analyses should have relative time selections active like 'yeste...
Roland van de Ruit almost 4 years ago in Process Mining 0 Open for voting

2nd Process Mining Admin - self service

For some reasons and governance rules an absence management must be possible. Therefore I suggest that the Process Mining Admin can add the functional right to a second user. I also suggest to add this as a self service option to minimize/reduce m...
Jens Nitzschke over 2 years ago in Process Mining 2 Open for voting

Comments in calculated fields

It is not possible to add comments in the definition of the calculated fields of the analysis model, either visual or developed in code. If the calculation has a certain complexity, reviewing it after some time means taking time to find out why ce...
Isidre Fabregas over 1 year ago in Process Mining 1 Already exists

Possibility of using variables in ARIS Cloud Mining field calculations

ARIS Cloud Mining offers the possibility of using parameters in the definition of calculated fields of the analysis model. These can be used later for the presentation of the analyses as variables for filtering values. However, in the preparation ...
Isidre Fabregas over 1 year ago in Process Mining 0 Open for voting

Component(s) for process flow selection (throughput time - AVG, median, distribution; ratio; count; occurrence distribution)

For any process mining analysis, a process flow component is a basic need. The fundamental requirement is to select the activities (start & end) directly in the FE (dashboard), being able to change them, having in-memory recalculations. We see...
Guest almost 3 years ago in Process Mining 1 Open for voting