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How can we make ARIS better?

My ideas: Publication & Collaboration

Showing 24

Exclude attributes in ARIS Connect portal without filter

In the Connect Portal configuration it is possible to exclude system attributes from comparison. We have some custom attributes which we would like to exclude because they are irrelevant to users, but this is not possible. We would like to have a ...
Theo Padding over 1 year ago in Publication & Collaboration 1 Shipped

Explorer tree should not show empty groups/folder

Explorer tree shows currently database structure with all groups with read access and should be configured if empty groups should be shown or not. In the way of releasing new process version and depublishing processes the tree should only show fol...
Roland Schley over 1 year ago in Publication & Collaboration 1 Shipped

Add the possibility to configure icons

When defining a page overview tab it is not possible to define the icons of a list. The results are sloppy pages in the browser that give complaints by the users.
Leon Van der Zanden almost 3 years ago in Publication & Collaboration 0 Shipped

Connect Search need to be improvised

Connect search needs to focused on what customer would look for instead it gives rigid option of Portal, Process, collaboration, documents etc. . Multiple things come in search which confuses the customer. eg: if he wants to focus & find risks...
Gopinath Bandekar about 3 years ago in Publication & Collaboration 0 Shipped

Navigate directly via the model viewer in Overview/factsheet

The new factsheets allows putting the diagram in as part of the Overview page (factsheet). This is a great way to give most users everything they need on a single page. However, to navigate they would have to go to the Diagram tab first which seem...
Jesper Loell about 1 year ago in Publication & Collaboration 0 Shipped

New Enterprise Search - show last search results in case of a browser-back navigation

If a result is selected from the search (e.g. a process) and I navigate to this process and then via browser back to the search, the last search results are no longer displayed.
Jens Heylmann over 2 years ago in Publication & Collaboration 1 Shipped

make "go up in hierarchy" go up in hierarchy

In ARIS Connect, the "go up in hierarchy" button presents several options, none of which are correct. "Go up in hierarchy" should select the parent process; meaning the process that is one level up in the hierarchy; like the name "go up in hierarc...
John Bertolet almost 3 years ago in Publication & Collaboration 0 Shipped

make navigation possible by clicking once instead of twice

most people are used to clicking only once to navigate through a portal. When you are on the portal in ARIS, you can navigate by clicking once on the assignment icon or clicking twice on the object icon. This is confusing for many users, even expe...
Joost Vandewiele 4 months ago in Publication & Collaboration 2 Shipped

Search - include suggestions and correct typos

More and more of users expect that just like the known search engines (eg. Google, duckduckgo, ...) suggestions are shown when they start to enter a search term. Also, when typos are entered, showing "showing search results for: <corrected sear...
Koen Maes almost 3 years ago in Publication & Collaboration 0 Shipped

Add “Clickable” option to first column of Tables for Self-Service.

Dear reader, in the Self-Service configuration, by default the “Activities” table in the Overview for Chains models is made clickable. This often leads to a page that is not filled and the system loses its position in the hierarchy. It would be h...
Nemanja Djukic almost 3 years ago in Publication & Collaboration 0 Shipped