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How can we make ARIS better?

My ideas: Content Analysis & Reporting

Showing 107 of 1577

PreDefine Semantic Check profile for user

When a user starts a semantic check then there are several Semantic check profiles available. It would be good if there was the possibility to predefine which profile would be available when a user starts a semantic check. And it would be good if ...
Veronika Prueher-Pilsl about 3 years ago in Content Analysis & Reporting 1 Open for voting

Report execution via API

As there is no access to the server command line for ARIS Cloud servers, reports can no longer be issued through the ScriptRunner batch files. It would be important to trigger reports from external systems by calling an documented API endpoint. A ...
Jörg Neves Bliesener about 3 years ago in Content Analysis & Reporting 0 Open for voting

no user necessary for scheduled reports

When running a scheduled report, an ARIS user is necessary. This should be changed. We don't need an ARIS user running a report. The customer underlined that - in analogy - in ALFABET there's no user necessary to run an ADIF job. Background: A2A i...
Dietmar Durek about 3 years ago in Content Analysis & Reporting 0 Will not implement

Analyses/Query to Evaluation/Report conversion/generator

Would be great to be able to generate a report (Evaluation) from Query. We have option to save Query as a spreadsheet and there could be option to save Query as Report. Something like WYSIWYG report but generated from Query engine.
Milan Slivka over 2 years ago in Content Analysis & Reporting 0 Open for voting

Add the ability to document queries

One should be able to document queries as it is possible for reports, for example by having a description field associated with queries.
Michel Benard almost 3 years ago in Content Analysis & Reporting 1 Open for voting

Scheduled Reports - suppressing deactivation on errors

On our internal Software AG project, we critically need an option that would set a scheduled report as not possible to be deactivated on any error. Would that be possible? Full Story: We are using scheduled report in ARIS to execute report that sy...
Pavel Hanacek about 3 years ago in Content Analysis & Reporting 1 Open for voting

Extend Report component interfaces -> UMC getSessionsForUserName() and getSessionsForUser()

Currently the methods getSessionsForUserName() and getSessionsForUser() from Report component interfaces -> UMC only return the active sessions of a user without providing session information for ARIS databases. Extend the functionality of thos...
Sebastian Huber about 3 years ago in Content Analysis & Reporting 0 Open for voting

Make Report Creation available within Cloud Solution

Currently, the configuration of a report requires too much technical knowledge (i.e. use of java client), resulting in depedency on consultants. Especially for the Advanced licence it would add so much value if the configuration of a report was ad...
Hanneke Loefs over 1 year ago in Content Analysis & Reporting 0 Open for voting

Allow queries with hierarchy levels to generate a dashboard link

For a context aware dashboard, we want to be able to filter on lower-level objects/models from a higher-level model. Now, we have to create a query per hierarchy level (e.g., a query for objects that are one level lower, a queryfor objects that ar...
Aron van Stiphout almost 3 years ago in Content Analysis & Reporting 1 Open for voting

Semantikcheckregeln "Objekt- und Modellattributregeln"

Im Modell- und Objektregel-Assistenten, können für Attribute verschiedene Bedingungen erstellt werden. Es fehlt hier die Bedingung „ungleich“. Dadurch können keine „negativen“ Abfragen erzeugt werden. In der allgemeinen Suche ist diese Funktion vo...
Guest about 3 years ago in Content Analysis & Reporting 0 Open for voting