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How can we make ARIS better?

My ideas

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Glossary/Catalog in self-service configuration

As an administrator I would like to be able to be able to add new categories and related columns in our glossary/catalog through self-service configuration. E.g. Risks, terms, ...
Jesper Loell almost 3 years ago in Publication & Collaboration 1 Planned

Self-service start page (home view) supports different databases in Connect Portal

Published is more than one ARIS database. Each database has different requirements for the start page: - Different number of components - Different arrangement of components - Different quick links I as a portal administrator want to be abl...
Jens Heylmann over 2 years ago in Publication & Collaboration 1 Open for voting

Multi-select in ARIS Connect Designer

Multi-select in ARIS Connect Designer, i.e. like ARIS Architect, to allow users to select multiple objects all of a type. Then be able to make actions across all those objects e.g. Change Symbol, Attribute wizard etc.. similar to what is possible ...
Phillip Kazanis almost 3 years ago in Modeling & Contribution 0 Open for voting

Tool to report broken hyperlinks to external documents or media

With increasing use of hyperlinks to documents that are not stored in the ARIS Connect document store, for example to a Company Sharepoint site, it would be useful to have an administrator tool available to test hyperlinks to confirm they receive ...
Alex Welsh almost 3 years ago in Technical Administration 2 Open for voting

Change object default symbol in connect designer

The default symbol of objects is used for several things in ARIS, e.g. determination of the item type in content type config. At the moment it is only possible to change the default symbol either in the java client (properties/occurrences) or via ...
Rob Filor 3 months ago in Modeling & Contribution 0 Open for voting

Custom names for report output files in ARIS Connect

Currently the report API allows it to set custom names for the output files generated by reports. This works fine if a report is started via ARIS Architect / ARIS Desginer but does not work if a report is started via ARIS Connect. If a report is s...
Sebastian Huber about 2 years ago in Content Analysis & Reporting 0 Open for voting

Deep link on filtered catalog entries

It is currently not possible to set a deep link to filtered catalog entries. Thus, it is not possible to refer to a desired category or scope in the model. The user has to search for it in the linked catalogue himself. If a deep link to a filter e...
Stephan Schwandner almost 3 years ago in Publication & Collaboration 0 Planned

Support for Case Management Model & Notation

CMMN is an OMG standard which goes hand in hand with BPMN and DMN both of which ARIS currently supports. Case Management Modernization initiatives are growing in number across the US Federal Government. The use of CMMN within ARIS to graphically r...
Aaron Mazzatenta almost 3 years ago in Modeling & Contribution 0 Open for voting

Additional SQL functions

Please extend the supported SQL functions in both the data model & analysis model. Some important functions that are missing: LEN -> counts number of characters in a text CHARINDEX -> returns the position of a character in a string PATIN...
Roland van de Ruit 7 months ago in Process Mining 2 Planned

View models assigned to an object definition

Modellers often need to see, navigate to, add and delete models which are assigned to object definitions. In the java client this functionality is provided in the 'Assignments' tab of the object properties, but there is no equivalent available in ...
Rob Filor 3 months ago in Modeling & Contribution 1 Open for voting