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My ideas: Governance Workflows

Showing 68

Validity Management

As an owner and as overall governance for a management system it would be helpful to have built-in validity management functionality. E.g. send out a task to content owners at a recurring interval and ask them to review their content and approve o...
Jesper Loell over 2 years ago in Governance Workflows 0 Open for voting

Mini workflow archiving of ADS documents

Archiving of files in ADS (see comparative document release). Creation of a standard workflow (mini workflow) that stores files in an archive group to be defined in a revision-proof manner. In German: Archivierung von Dateien im ADS (siehe Verglei...
Hubert Warsitz over 2 years ago in Governance Workflows 0 Open for voting

ARIS Connect - New View for Monitoring / tracking the APG workflows by End users

ARIS Connect incl. ARIS ProcessBoard currently does not allow the easy see what workflows are running for the specific content (e.g. process), the workflow state - on which tasks it is pending, no statistics / dashboards ... The tipical use case i...
Zdenek Kocourek over 2 years ago in Governance Workflows 0 Open for voting

Add BPMN diagrams for mini-workflows (simple visualization)

In order to communicate the mini-workflows, a visualization in BPMN would be helpful, just like the BPMN diagrams included in ARCM.
Jörg Neves Bliesener over 2 years ago in Governance Workflows 2 Open for voting

Event Handling in APG Dialog Screen

In APG at many customer with verity of custom workflow for Model and Object. Mostly for their Approval to release in Production content. many time on dialog it is required to refresh the contents based on activity perform on dialog like click on B...
Milind Kolte over 2 years ago in Governance Workflows 0 Open for voting

Report Dialog Poisiton

If you use a dialog when running a report, it may be difficult to see the diagram and information below. Therefore, there was a suggestion from a customer who needed the ability to move the position of the dialog or to temporarily hide it.
Kyoung-Chul Lee over 2 years ago in Governance Workflows 0 Open for voting

Process approval for last published process using Viewer License

Hi team, Process owners that don't do any modelling don't need designer licenses, we need to make sure that the process owners having viewer licenses have the possibility to review the unpublished process before approving it.It would be great if a...
Sonia Landolsi almost 3 years ago in Governance Workflows 0 Open for voting

Multilingual Dialogs

Constant content can be added to multilingual screens thanks to the localized string, but dynamic data drawn from the report cannot be displayed in a multilingual way. The new version may have localized string variable property.
Guest almost 3 years ago in Governance Workflows 0 Open for voting

Timestamp format in My Task list - Tracking tab

Time stamp must be made auto adjusted per country and respective format. Timestamp vallues under My Task list continue to be hh:mm:ss and this is not the format followed in US. Requesting the format to be MM/DD/YYYY hh:mm:ss or make thi...
Guest almost 3 years ago in Governance Workflows 0 Open for voting

Gendering of Connect WF emails

In German language the notification emails that are sent by the standard Connect workflows (e.g. change request WF) are not gendered. There are customers with specific regulations concerning gendering.
Veronika Prueher-Pilsl almost 3 years ago in Governance Workflows 0 Open for voting