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My ideas: Process Mining

Showing 199

Enhanced Variable Functionality

Enhanced Variable Functionality Overview: The proposed feature enhancements aim to elevate the flexibility and usability of variable management within the ARIS Process Mining analyses script. By making variables non-static, enabling variable popul...
Marc Daams 9 months ago in Process Mining 1 Open for voting

Extend standard date formats for CSV upload

is there a way to extend the list of standard DATE formats for the CSV import. in multiple PoVs we have been modifying each date column because the original format was not recognized. for example d/M/yyyy or dd/MM/yyyy HH:mm:ss.SSSSSSS (data lake ...
Marc Daams over 1 year ago in Process Mining 0 Open for voting

Connect visibility of source tables to transformation tab

Hi, See attached image. Would be nice to couple the 'visibility' toggle in the 'source tables' tab to the 'transformations tab'. A lot of my source tables are intermediate tables I needed for filtering/scoping my extraction and would not be used d...
Jori Mulders 7 months ago in Process Mining 0 Open for voting

User interface - Resizing columns / interface elements

Hi, See attached images. Text in columns (transformation environment) is cut off when too long. I have to 'hoover' over it with my mouse to identify its name, which is annoying. Cheers, Jori
Jori Mulders 7 months ago in Process Mining 0 Open for voting

Consolidate ARIS Process Language + Fix and expand help documentation

Hi, As a first time user of ARIS process mining and having written my last SQL 10 years ago, I find the process language and its documentation unnecessarily confusing. Almost every place in the tool seems to have its own 'process language' variant...
Jori Mulders 7 months ago in Process Mining 0 Open for voting

Central user project/data set authorization

Currently (SR25) user authorizations (view/edit/delete/set privilege) have to be set on a per project/data set basis. When maintaining many projects/data sets it can be quite cumbersome to add or make changes in these authorization settings. In ad...
Roland van de Ruit 10 months ago in Process Mining 0 Open for voting

Pull up operations to other table fields

ARIS pull up is possible for cases and activities, where as the need is to pull up (with nested logics) function to work with other table fields to create calculated fields. E.g., AVG(CASE WHEN PU_COUNT_DISTINCT('_CEL_P2P_ORDERS', LEN('supplier_sh...
Guest over 2 years ago in Process Mining 0 Planned

Multiple data set activity mapping for reference model tasks

Ideally, it should be possible to be able to map multiple data set activities to a single reference model task to allow for legimate variances in naming conventions for the same activity. So, in the example below, the Reference Model task 01_Creat...
Paul Fenton 11 months ago in Process Mining 1 Open for voting

More options for Preview in transformations

The situation: You work with larger data sets and/or you must create more complex transformations. Then you often get the message "Preview timed out. The transformation seems to be too complex.". Reducing the number of columns does not help mostly...
Jens Nitzschke about 1 year ago in Process Mining 0 Open for voting

Switch btw visual and code editor

When editing a calculation rule in the analysis or in the app builder, it should be possible to switch between the visual editor and the code editor.
Guest over 2 years ago in Process Mining 4 Open for voting