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How can we make ARIS better?

My ideas: Technical Administration

Showing 138

Extended filter option in UMC search

Since we have a large number of UMC groups that have the same name component in the name (e.g., "Modeler"), it would be desirable, as in ARIS, to also use the "*" and "?" Operators. "*" for any text string and "?" for a single letter. [in deutsch]...
Hubert Warsitz about 1 year ago in Technical Administration 0 Open for voting

Complete display of group names with mouseover

In the user administration (UMC), the following problem exists: for long-name user groups whose distinguishing feature only appears at the end of the name, this is not visible in the selection because the window is so narrow. Here it would be desi...
Hubert Warsitz about 1 year ago in Technical Administration 0 Open for voting

Filter License usage dashboard by license type

Hello, In order to enhance the readability of the license usage dashboard (Administration / charts / users) it would be good to be able to filter by license types. The reason is that if a license type has a very big number compared to the others, ...
Nicolas Choppin de Janvry about 1 year ago in Technical Administration 2 Open for voting

Enhanced Audit Log

As far as im aware in ARIS Architect and ARIS Connect, we can track any login activities for an account from successul logins to logout timestamp. But up until now, i haven't see any audit log that's capable to track down any changes made by a use...
Maulana Bagoes Ibrahim about 1 year ago in Technical Administration 6 Open for voting

abillity to get the "last modified" timestamp of a document

Actual it is not possible to get the "last modified" timestamp of a document in the ARIS Document store. We want to get this timestamp for use in reports to search for outdated documents. A (more worse) alternative is the abillity to sort document...
Bernd Renner about 1 year ago in Technical Administration 2 Open for voting

Use a GSMA account during the ARIS installation with SQL database

To use a GSMA account during the ARIS installation, and thus skipping the need to create an SQL user.
Jan-Niklas Fehse about 1 year ago in Technical Administration 0 Open for voting

Possibility to set timezones in Connect

With automatic e-mails sent from Connect we noticed that the $duedate doesn't conform to our time format or timezone. We'd like a functionality that lets us set a timezone in Connect either as a master/for usergroups and for the individual.
André Pettersen over 1 year ago in Technical Administration 0 Open for voting

API Addition - Add Event for Object Variant Creation

We wish to write macros triggered by variant object creation. Our workaround is to use the general object create event, but we would like to be more precise based on variant creation.
Marco Temaner over 1 year ago in Technical Administration 0 Open for voting

IdP-initiated/SAML-based SSO

Enable the possibility to login, leveraging SSO initiated via IdP - on top the existing SP-initiated possibility -> access ARIS using the IdPP initiated SAML based SSO.
Heitor Faccio over 1 year ago in Technical Administration 0 Open for voting

Download option for Tenant backups for the purpose of long-term archiving

As a customer, I would like to be able to download tenant backups automatically in order to store them in a long-term archive. There should also be the possibility to name a storage, e.g. S3 Bucket.
Michael Schmitt over 1 year ago in Technical Administration 0 Open for voting