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How can we make ARIS better?

My ideas: Dashboarding

Showing 74

Filter on Image widget- ARIS Aware

Could we please have a feature allowing to add filters for the image widgets, also have multiple pictures on an image widget.
Stanley Manoto almost 3 years ago in Dashboarding 0 Open for voting

Auto break cell size and Grid formatting- ARIS Aware

Could we please have a feature to auto break sentences to cell size, also be able to format the grid by showing boarder lines, be able to change column headers (color, Bold, italic).
Stanley Manoto almost 3 years ago in Dashboarding 0 Open for voting

Clear Filter Selection - ARIS Aware

Could we please have a 'clear selection' to deactivate the filter on the dashboard widget.
Stanley Manoto almost 3 years ago in Dashboarding 0 Open for voting

Enable search with key words on Input field - ARIS Aware

We would like to have a feature to enable searching not only by providing full names/description but to search by parts of the names.
Stanley Manoto almost 3 years ago in Dashboarding 0 Open for voting

Aware - Funktionsablauf: Einbindung von Subprozessen in den Hauptprozess im Funktionsablauf

Im CTK/PPM können Subprozesse zum Hauptprozess ermittelt und im Funktionsablauf dargestellt werden. (Fami-Anspruchsprüfung mit Aufgaben) Im Pendant Funktionsablauf in Aware geht das nicht
Marius Wittrop almost 3 years ago in Dashboarding 0 Open for voting

Übersicht über gesetze Filter

Es wäre wünschenswert, wenn alle gewählten Filter (auch aus den Dashboards selbst irgendwo gesammelt angezeigt werden)
Marius Wittrop almost 3 years ago in Dashboarding 0 Open for voting

Highlighting selected graphics

For presentations in management it would be helpful if you could click on a diagram and it is displayed e.g. screen/window full. The following click on the diagram shows the whole dashboard again. Or some other kind of highlighting (e.g. graying o...
Hubert Warsitz almost 3 years ago in Dashboarding 0 Open for voting

Bidirectional filtering over the graphs

Currently you can click on a displayed graphical element in a graph, this leads to an adjustment of the other graphs according to the selected graphical element (filtering). It currently only goes from e.g. bar graph 1 filters graph 2. However fro...
Hubert Warsitz almost 3 years ago in Dashboarding 0 Open for voting

Undo button within Dashboard creation

When building Dashboards it would be helpful if there was a facility to Undo the last change such as there is when building models, word etc. AS it stands you can't and its frustrating and time consuming to fix it.
Chris Litten almost 3 years ago in Dashboarding 0 Open for voting

Make multiline text available in grids

In order to make text look better, and easier to read in grids it would be great if it was made possible to have multi-line text in cells. Both a wrap text and support of new line e.g. for bullet lists.
Jesper Loell almost 3 years ago in Dashboarding 0 Open for voting