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My ideas: Governance Workflows

Showing 70 of 1623

Start APG using Hyperlink (with SSO) / APG über Hyperlink starten (mit SSO)

We found a solution with the SAG to start an APG using a hyperlink which can be placed on the desktop. There we see 3 problems: complicated way to generate the hyperlink SSO not working start context is fixed-->Start user is not used from the S...
Florian Gerdes about 3 years ago in Governance Workflows 0 Open for voting

Move Elements in Dialog Editor / Verschieben von Elementen im Dialog-Editor

Currently there is no easy way to move one element in the dialog-editor to a different place within the dialog. This is needed if the layout needs be changed. The only way to do this is to cut the element and paste it at the new place. The problem...
Florian Gerdes about 3 years ago in Governance Workflows 0 Open for voting

Performance des Dialog Editors | Performance dialogue editor

Wenn die Maske eine Länge erreicht, die die Höhe des Bildschirms übersteigt, also ein Scrollen notwendig ist, springt die Maske wieder an den Anfangsort zurück. Dadurch muss mit jedem neuen Element wieder gescrollt werden - das Arbeiten dauert bei...
Guest about 3 years ago in Governance Workflows 0 Open for voting

Improvement of dialog editor: allignment, creative, elements, fill-out options, import translations

English: (German below) ARIS Governance is a great tool - but it definitely needs an update for the dialog editor! Why? - The alignment of single elements (height, width,..) should be adjustable. The horizontal and vertical alignment is no help. -...
Guest about 3 years ago in Governance Workflows 0 Open for voting

Process board improvements

It would be great to have a new function privilege that will allow to manage all tasks that exist in process board. Manage means - browse all, see who a task is assigned to, search by context name/GUID, delegate, interact through the APG screen as...
Guest about 3 years ago in Governance Workflows 0 Open for voting

More intelligent dialog designer

With the current dialog designer, it is impossible to create complex dialog views and create a design that behaves in a natural way. It's constantly juggling between customer requirements and abilities of the designer. The behavior of the dialogs ...
Edwin Verstraeten about 3 years ago in Governance Workflows 0 Planned

Moving objects with attached data flow to another model

See Empower ticket "5287931": Currently you can not move (cut and paste) object occurances to another model without breaking the attached data flow. If you want to split up an APG process into smaller parts or move some parts to a detailed task to...
Sebastian Huber about 3 years ago in Governance Workflows 0 Open for voting

Dialog report support in view mode should be enabled

n Process Board an user can display a task by using the view button.However the dialog elements with report support are not filled.If the user opens the task by using the edit button, all report supported elements are displayed correctly. At this ...
Richard Verhoef about 3 years ago in Governance Workflows 0 Open for voting

Miniworkflow Approve content fails while lock model

Precondition: - there are 2 models, both use same objects as occurrence copies - start "Approve content" on model1 - wait until human task "Approve content" is reached - start "Approve content" on model2 Result: workflow fails at function "lo...
Guest about 3 years ago in Governance Workflows 0 Open for voting

Additional mini-workflow - Validity management

Maybe merge with EMEA60, EMEA57 An EMS is typically extension of QMS (and hence ISO requirements apply), so management of the validity of content should be a basic feature. Functionalities: trigger of review + clear visualisation of 'expired' cont...
Ricardo Passchier over 3 years ago in Governance Workflows 0 Open for voting