Enterprise BPMN is getting more and more popular with our customers, since they can add anything they want to the BPMN standard, except one thing: process interfaces. In 2 out of 3 customer projects this is the main "problem" when using BPMN. Plea...
Connect visibility of source tables to transformation tab
Hi, See attached image. Would be nice to couple the 'visibility' toggle in the 'source tables' tab to the 'transformations tab'. A lot of my source tables are intermediate tables I needed for filtering/scoping my extraction and would not be used d...
Jori Mulders
6 months ago
in Process Mining
Open for voting
User interface - Resizing columns / interface elements
Hi, See attached images. Text in columns (transformation environment) is cut off when too long. I have to 'hoover' over it with my mouse to identify its name, which is annoying. Cheers, Jori
Jori Mulders
6 months ago
in Process Mining
Open for voting
Change ARIS server-to-server communication to support encryption
Dear ARIS team, Currently in ARIS and as communicated by Global support team, server-to-server communication does currently only support the HTTP and AJP protocol. A change to encrypted communication is not yet officially supported. We officially ...
Consolidate ARIS Process Language + Fix and expand help documentation
Hi, As a first time user of ARIS process mining and having written my last SQL 10 years ago, I find the process language and its documentation unnecessarily confusing. Almost every place in the tool seems to have its own 'process language' variant...
Jori Mulders
6 months ago
in Process Mining
Open for voting
Having some attributes per object occurrences in addition to the definition one.
It would be pertinent to have the possibility of having object attributes that apply only to the instance without using a variant feature. In a specific case, the object remains characterized by its defining attributes but would also have certain ...
Progress bar / load indicator for dialogs initiated by scripts
Hello ARIS enthusiasts,
In the user dialog initiated by the script when loading or saving data, I'm missing the ability to show a load indicator / progress bar (similar to the Context.writeStatus(String, int) or Context.writeStatus(String, int) m...
The current implementation of SCIM relies on a bearer token that has to be refreshed manually. For sensitive data, a common advice is to refresh a bearer token each 15 minutes. For some organizations the manual labour involved in frequently changi...
Currently is not possible to change the factsheet to add a new type of connection without extensive XML modification. For example, adding the S - Support and so having a RASCI Matrix is not possible. We propose that it is possible to edit the fact...
It would be handsome if one could make a parametersetting in the report definition that results in the adoption of the report-outputfile-name from executed model.