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PINNED AI/ML features integration
like clustering, outliers detection, key influencers, predictive results with classification algorithms this would support Root-Cause-Analysis
PINNED Use right-click -> open in new tab/window in ARIS Connect portal
Hello, This request is about being able to choose "open in new tab" / "open in new window" when doing a right click on a navigation link within the portal (in factsheet, catalog, search result,...) For example, from the overview page of a model, w...

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Showing 1478

Create option to hide FAD model into an "Attribute" of superior object or attribute to store satellite elements into an "attirbute".

Would be great to have FAD model embeded within the Object. There is no need for this model with satellite modeling. Alternativelly, create an attribute that can store objects that are modelled using content type configuration via Satellite modell...
Milan Slivka about 2 years ago in Modeling & Contribution 0 Open for voting

Hover over objects

Enable the details about the objects to appear and be listed. Please refer to picture5 for ARIS client view and picture6 for ARIS Connect view. ARIS connect doesn't show the details of the objects
Semakaleng Maherry about 2 years ago in Modeling & Contribution 0 Open for voting

Matrix Model - Selected Model Needs Thumbnail Preview of Current Model State

In ARIS CONNECT, when selecting a matrix model in the repository, a thumbnail preview on the right side (Preview Tab) is needed to represent a rendering of the model in its current state and refresh each time the model is selected.
Ryan Bittner about 2 years ago in Modeling & Contribution 1 Open for voting

Re-adjust dropdown list

Enable the dropdown list to be resized (using the mouse) to view the text, currently the text is hidden
Semakaleng Maherry about 2 years ago in Modeling & Contribution 0 Open for voting

Option to allow identifier attribute value copy

Currently the identifier attribute value cannot be copied as its treated as unique value by the system. When copy is made the identifier attribute value for the new copy has to be updated manually.
Nicola Adas about 2 years ago in Modeling & Contribution 1 Open for voting

make solutions available during registrating a SaaS project-room

It would be very good if the solution import would be integrated while registering a APM SaaS project-room. e.g., order APM Advanced room & P2P Solution, O2C, or other solution
Monika Leitner about 2 years ago in Process Mining 0 Open for voting

Option Sperre „Offene Vorfälle“

Optional können diejenigen Objekte eines Objekttyps von der automatischen Anonymisierung nach Punkt 2 ausgenommen werden, deren Issues zum Prüfzeitpunkt noch „offen“ sind bzw. vor weniger als einem Sperr-Zeitraum geschlossen wurden Beispiel: ein K...
Andreas Geis about 2 years ago in Risk & Compliance 0 Open for voting

Option „Anonymisierungs-Automatik“

Optional können pro Objekttyp nach Ablauf einer zeitliche Grenzen die personenbezogenen Daten aus allen Versionen eines Objektes automatisch gelöscht werden. (Maximal-Auskunftsfrist) Beispiel: für alle Kontroll-Tests werden nach Ablauf von 10 Jahr...
Andreas Geis about 2 years ago in Risk & Compliance 0 Open for voting

Mindest-Verfügbarkeit für personenbezogene Daten nach Objekttypen

Pro Objekttyp (z.B. Kontroll-Test) können zeitliche Grenzen erfasst werden, vor deren Ablauf personenbezogenen Daten (handelnde User) nicht gelöscht werden können (Mindest-Auskunftsfrist). Beispiel: für Kontroll-Tests können vor Ablauf von 3 Jahre...
Andreas Geis about 2 years ago in Risk & Compliance 0 Open for voting

Update KPI attribute values

There is a function to export and import (update) BSC KPIs by using pre-defined report. However it works for KPIs who have relations with BSC model. We think it's more beneficial if works for KPI tree as well.
Yuki Takeko about 2 years ago in Dashboarding 2 Open for voting