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PINNED AI/ML features integration
like clustering, outliers detection, key influencers, predictive results with classification algorithms this would support Root-Cause-Analysis

Process Mining

Showing 199

New app: Impact Analyser

A question I have is how can I focus my effort in a process mining project on the right things. Via the root-cause-miner we can show dependencies/relations with certain dimensional values and hopefully at some point also measures (see ARISPMIYU-I-...
Roland van de Ruit about 4 years ago in Process Mining 0 Open for voting

Extensions to Root Cause Miner app

In the ARIS Process Mining on-prem product, the Root Cause Miner considers dimensional values only. My suggestion would be to include and/or extend this with the capability to also analyze dependencies with other measures. For example a High % Pai...
Roland van de Ruit about 4 years ago in Process Mining 0 Will not implement

Ratio calculation for different aggregation levels

When combining information from different tables, you want to be able to calculate ratios based on measures that are based on different aggregation levels. For example the number of cases per purchasing organization divided by the number of FTE's ...
Caspar Jans about 4 years ago in Process Mining 1 Planned

Translate analysis model columns: Export/Import of language translation file

At the moment it is needed to click every single field to enter the translation. For bigger analysis it can take a lot of time and needs to be done by a user with access to the system. Allow to download a template (csv or excel) with the columns a...
Jens Nitzschke about 4 years ago in Process Mining 1 Open for voting

Calculate predictions with Process Mining

Process Mining reconstructs instances of processes that took place in the past. Both good and bad executions. In general, the predictive tool determines future events based on the past and detect failures from defaults executed in the past. Within...
Alain Bizien-Tessadri over 4 years ago in Process Mining 0 Open for voting

Activate "benchmark" view

On any analysis/component, create an "activate benchmark" button, which would duplicate the current view while enabling the possibility to make both views independant in terms of filtering thus making the benchmark always available whatever the an...
Nicolas Ballarin over 4 years ago in Process Mining 0 Open for voting

Turn on/off number of cases per bar in Process Overview app

It would be good to have an option to show the number of cases per bar in the distribution chart within the Process Overview app.
Wen Ding over 4 years ago in Process Mining 0 Open for voting

Change step width of component, e.g. distribution chart

The step width of a component should be changeable on the fly by the user. e.g. in the distribution chart hours to days.
Andreas Geis over 4 years ago in Process Mining 0 Open for voting

New Chart: Percent chart

Feature Description Type of chart where the Y-axis always counts up to 100% Shows a distribution of a metric in percentage over 2 dimensions. Reason In my experience a frequently requested visualization
Roland van de Ruit over 4 years ago in Process Mining 1 Open for voting

New app: Case Explorer

Feature Description App that can show an overview of the cases in combination with metrics and dimensions Should be able to handle the large volumes of cases (paging?) Current Table chart will throw an error due to volume… Perhaps can be used in c...
Roland van de Ruit over 4 years ago in Process Mining 2 Open for voting