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Technical Administration

Showing 139

Configure monitoring mails with transport encryption in ARIS

Hello, unfortunately it is not possible in ARIS to send monitoring mails with transport encryption. But exactly this is now a requirement of the BSI, which leads to problems with customers, because they cannot use monitoring mails anymore, due to ...
Sören Schmitt over 1 year ago in Technical Administration 0 Open for voting

Customizable Monitoring Mails via ACC in ARIS

Hello,currently it is not possible to edit the content and subject of monitoring mails. We would like this to be configurable in the future so that the content as well as the subject of monitoring mails can be edited depending on the event (Starte...
Sören Schmitt over 1 year ago in Technical Administration 0 Open for voting

Automated translation means for strings/variables in reports

I am looking for an automated translation means for strings/variables in reports. To my knowledge, this can only be done manually today. However, when there are ~30 strings that need to be translated into 3-5 languages, I feel that it is a waste o...
Veronika Ellermann 6 months ago in Technical Administration / Business Process Analysis 0 Open for voting

UMC - configure columns in user management

At the moment in the user management in UMC the columns that are shown, cannot be changed. User name, description and email address for users (user group name and description for user groups) are shown here. It would be good if the shown columns w...
Veronika Prueher-Pilsl about 3 years ago in Technical Administration 0 Open for voting

Maintenance Window

For large EMS customer is required to inform the user via an "in maintenance" screen that the ARIS Connect portal is starting up/not available or in maintenance mode. The reason for maintenance and also the expected time of system availability sho...
Richard Verhoef about 3 years ago in Technical Administration 0 Open for voting

Content type set - duplicate content type

When configuring the portal, it's sometimes required to split an existing content type which is defined for a combination of model/object types, into content types per model/object type.It would be nice, if we could then just duplicate the existin...
Koen Maes 3 months ago in Technical Administration / Business Process Analysis 0 Open for voting

Rename Usergroups

It Should be possible to rename User and UserGroups, as ARIS works internal with the corresponsind GUID there seems no reason why it shouldn't be possible to rename them
Guest about 3 years ago in Technical Administration 0 Open for voting

Make SCIM zero trust

The current implementation of SCIM relies on a bearer token that has to be refreshed manually. For sensitive data, a common advice is to refresh a bearer token each 15 minutes. For some organizations the manual labour involved in frequently changi...
Mark Luchtmeijer 7 months ago in Technical Administration 0 Open for voting

Check validity of a LDAP connection

We have the problem that for some LDAP servers that are connected to ARIS via LDAPS, the certificates of the LDAP servers are exchanged at irregular intervals, which means that the connection in ARIS is no longer permitted. For this reason, we nee...
Maximilian Dait 11 months ago in Technical Administration 1 Open for voting

Incremental backup for ADS and ARIS

We have a lot of documents in ADS and also a lot of processes in ARIS. A full tenant backup is created daily to secure the data. The backup runtime has reached almost 24 hours in the meantime. Several hundred thousand documents and processes are b...
Hubert Warsitz over 1 year ago in Technical Administration 0 Open for voting