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Governance Workflows

Showing 68

Add model name to email notification when model is shared

The email notification of the "share model" functionality should contain at least the model's name that a user wants to share. It would be awesome if it would also contain the model's GUID. Particularly, when the database is set to "last version" ...
Veronika Ellermann over 2 years ago in Governance Workflows 1 Open for voting

APG: Link in E-Mail Benachrichtigung sollte zentral konfigurierbar sein (z.B. Java Skript file)

Beim Deployment von Release- und Deletion-Workflow insbesondere bei Übernahme vom Test- ins Prod.System muss immer darauf geachtet werden, dass die Texte der E-Mail-Benachrichtigung die korrekten Alias Links auf die jeweiligen Processboards enthal...
Susanne Herrmann over 2 years ago in Governance Workflows 0 Open for voting

Starting reports / APG workflows on groups in ARIS Connect repository

For starting reports and workflows on group level a Architect (Java-client) is needed. It would be great if reports and APG workflows could be directly startet on group level in ARIS Connect repository without starting the Architect.
Guest over 2 years ago in Governance Workflows 3 Open for voting

Deactivate Button for outdated workflow versions

Hello, many of our customers run into trouble when they want to release a new workflow version while there are still running workflows based on an older version. They cannot delete the old (current) workflow version as long as there are instances ...
Guest almost 3 years ago in Governance Workflows 0 Open for voting

Searchable list fields in dialogs

As a user I would like to have a list field in dialogs, which gives me the possibility to find specific entries via a search if there are many entries. This search makes it easier for me to find specific entries from a very long list and thus grea...
Jens Heylmann almost 3 years ago in Governance Workflows 0 Open for voting

Add “select all” option in dialog box in APG workflow

If select all check box is enabled QA,PA and PO can approve/reject all model at a time.
Lakshmi Adusumilli almost 2 years ago in Governance Workflows 1 Open for voting

Performance des Dialog Editors | Performance dialogue editor

Wenn die Maske eine Länge erreicht, die die Höhe des Bildschirms übersteigt, also ein Scrollen notwendig ist, springt die Maske wieder an den Anfangsort zurück. Dadurch muss mit jedem neuen Element wieder gescrollt werden - das Arbeiten dauert bei...
Guest almost 3 years ago in Governance Workflows 0 Open for voting

Add instance context in process governance user interface

Add "Context" column in process governance user interface, so the users can link the Process instance ID with the context where the instance was launched.
Maria Fernanda Marroquin Fernandez about 1 year ago in Governance Workflows 1 Open for voting

Additional mini-workflow - Validity management

Maybe merge with EMEA60, EMEA57 An EMS is typically extension of QMS (and hence ISO requirements apply), so management of the validity of content should be a basic feature. Functionalities: trigger of review + clear visualisation of 'expired' cont...
Ricardo Passchier over 3 years ago in Governance Workflows 0 Open for voting

ARIS Connect - New View for Monitoring / tracking the APG workflows by End users

ARIS Connect incl. ARIS ProcessBoard currently does not allow the easy see what workflows are running for the specific content (e.g. process), the workflow state - on which tasks it is pending, no statistics / dashboards ... The tipical use case i...
Zdenek Kocourek over 2 years ago in Governance Workflows 0 Open for voting