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How can we make ARIS better?

Pinned ideas

PINNED AI/ML features integration
like clustering, outliers detection, key influencers, predictive results with classification algorithms this would support Root-Cause-Analysis

Process Mining

Showing 188

Process Flow animation

Show some kind of a graphical effect for the execution/run of cases in a time lapse manner. Speed should be adjustable. Start/End date should be adjustable. Some kind of Play/Pause/Stop should be available to trace shown behaviours. Maybe timestam...
Jens Nitzschke over 3 years ago in Process Mining 0 Open for voting

Insertion of weblinks to applications, e.g. SAP base URL + corresponding parameters out of the process mining data to jump to the connected case

Insertion of weblinks to applications, e.g. SAP base URL + corresponding parameters out of the process mining data to jump to the connected case. The link should be accessible in the analysis, e.g. in a case list per case callable. With this link ...
Jens Nitzschke about 2 years ago in Process Mining 1 Open for voting

Coloring unwanted activities from conformance mapping in process explorer

At the moment that you define certain activities as unwanted during the conformance mapping, they should be able to be highlighted (reddish color or something) in the process explorer in order to provide more transparency in the happy path and the...
Caspar Jans over 2 years ago in Process Mining 0 Open for voting

Offer percentiles like 95%

In addition to being able to calculate / represent the mean and median (ie for the case duration), being able to do so also with different percentiles (ie 95%)
Guest over 3 years ago in Process Mining 2 Open for voting

Visualize thresholds + goal accomplishment

Feature Description Add the option to add Thresholds/Targets to measures in the various charts Reason Customers want to know how certain metrics compare against targets. Visually (red, yellow, green) as well as in absolute terms (goal accomplishme...
Roland van de Ruit over 4 years ago in Process Mining 2 Planned

Interface Arabic Language Support

It only seems logical given that the rest of the ARIS interfaces do support Arabic.
Sadiq Al Shara 12 months ago in Process Mining 0 Open for voting

User defined steps for charts

When adding any dimension (or measure in case of a distribution cart) the step width is automatically determined. For some charts there are some options to influence this (e.g show top 10) A helpful functionality would be to allow a user to determ...
Roland van de Ruit over 2 years ago in Process Mining 0 Open for voting

Using EPC models for conformance check

Different customers request to start conformance check (model transfer from ARIS to APM) from EPC's also.
Jens Nitzschke over 2 years ago in Process Mining 1 Planned

Indication which of the extracted tables and columns are already in use

By indicating which of the extracted tables and columns are already in use (e.g., in transformations), users would get a good indication of whether there is unconsidered data in APM that might contain useful information for analysis.
Christoph Kempf over 1 year ago in Process Mining 0 Open for voting

Case wait time (cases with activity end timestamps)

One powerful analysis measure that does not currently appear to be available out of the box is 'Case Wait Time' for cases with activity start and end timestamps. Expressed simply, this is the amount of time that elapses during the overall duration...
Paul Fenton about 1 year ago in Process Mining 0 Open for voting