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Pinned ideas

PINNED AI/ML features integration
like clustering, outliers detection, key influencers, predictive results with classification algorithms this would support Root-Cause-Analysis

Process Mining

Showing 64

PIE CHART Percentages

Feature Description Add an option to display the percentages for each slice of the PIE Reason A PIE chart always counts up to 100%. The very purpose of PIE chart is to distribute values which will count up to 100%
Roland van de Ruit over 4 years ago in Process Mining 2 Shipped

Calculated ratio’s

Feature Description Calculation of percentages. Typically they follow a formula such as [A / B] * 100% where A and B can be further restricted by filters For example [Number of processes where step 3 exist AND column X has value Y ] / [Total numbe...
Roland van de Ruit over 4 years ago in Process Mining 2 Shipped

Additional calculation operators

Feature Description Current calculation options are missing some keylogical operators which should be added such as: -IF + Nested IF -EXIST / IN -NOT / AND / OR-GT / LT / GTEQ / LTEQ -CONCAT -SUBSTRING -CONVERT -ADDTIMESPAN Reason To beable to cal...
Roland van de Ruit over 4 years ago in Process Mining 3 Shipped

Calculated dimensions

Functionality should exist to calculate text values and store in separate column. Practical examples of this are: -On Time / In Full Indicator -Paid on time Indicator -Payment Discount-Etc… Reason Currently only metrics can be calculated however i...
Roland van de Ruit over 4 years ago in Process Mining 2 Shipped

Shareable bookmarks

Currently, bookmarks are solely personal and there is no way of sharing them (hence there is no way of sharing selections). Please add an option to make bookmarks shareable, so that cooperation between users is faciliated.
Guest over 2 years ago in Process Mining 0 Shipped

Urgent - Data Anonymization

Logged on behalf of {customer_name} Customers require their data to be anonymized prior to importing into APM. There is no ability for anonymization in APM apart from using transformation rules which allows source data to be held in the server whi...
Susan Reid over 2 years ago in Process Mining 0 Shipped

Display filter for conformance issue table in the overview app

The conformance issue table shows all different issue types that occur in the current selection. It would be useful to have the option to filter the content of table with conformance issues for specific issue types
Guest almost 3 years ago in Process Mining 0 Shipped

Sharing link for the selected tab

To share a Mining analysis the user can share the URL to other users. There should be an enhancement that the URL includes the analysis to be shown and not just opens the first tab of the analysis.
Guest almost 3 years ago in Process Mining 1 Shipped

Data range for distribution chart

User should be able to set the data range for visualized data in a distribution charts, which is independent from the case selection. Additionally, user should be able to define the bucket size. The system should automatically put outliers in a se...
Guest almost 3 years ago in Process Mining 1 Shipped

Hiding of particular tabs in an analysis

Option to hide certain tabs from viewers/certain user groups would be beneficial.
Guest almost 3 years ago in Process Mining 1 Shipped