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Risk & Compliance

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Arabic Language - UI should switch to Right to Left

We are in Middle East and are using ARCM - Survey management and Issue Management. Our customers are demanding that when we switch to Arabic the UI in ARCM should switch to Right to left. (Connect does this OK)
Ralph Thompson over 2 years ago in Risk & Compliance 0 Open for voting

copy an image in ARCM text field

Copie image dans champ texte / Possibilité de copier (ctrl V) dans un champ texte ARCM de type "texte libre" une image screenshot contenue dans le presse-papier (par ex. obtenue avec un ctrl C à partir de l'outil Capture) / Copy image in text fiel...
Guest over 2 years ago in Risk & Compliance 0 Open for voting

Enhancement Request - Linking Questionnaire Answers with Required Evidence Documents

Dear Team, We recently conducted a review of the ARCM system and found a limitation in the questionnaire page. Specifically, there is currently no way to link each answer with its required evidence documents (the attachments). This means that user...
Rakan Omar over 1 year ago in Risk & Compliance 1 Open for voting

Custom Link for Issue Collection Tab in ARCM

Hello R&D team, We have identified a limitation in the current product that we would like to address. Our customers have requested the ability to have a separate tab for Issue Collection, with a custom link such as HTTPS://<ARIS>/arcm/is...
Rakan Omar over 1 year ago in Risk & Compliance 0 Open for voting

Removing Information Bar

we found that the information bar on the right can be confusing for our customers. As a potential improvement, we recommend removing the information bar ( the right side bar on task page ) and adjusting the role feature to enhance the user experie...
Rakan Omar over 1 year ago in Risk & Compliance 1 Open for voting

Allow for password encryption in ARIS Cloud Controller

ARIS Server Administrator allows for encrypted passwords to be used which helps in keeping a password from being in plain text in batch files. However, some functionality, like tenant backups, are not available in Server Administrator and Cloud Co...
Matthew Baginski over 1 year ago in Risk & Compliance 0 Open for voting

Be able to create issues to a specific environment without having to link an issue-relevant object

In ARCM you today have the possibility to have Issue Manager for environment specific and also an issue manager for cross-environment. But when you use multiple environments that you do not wish for issue manager (cross-environment) to administrat...
My Hvit over 1 year ago in Risk & Compliance 0 Open for voting

change the format for Offline Object downloading

Hi, The security policy of our customer "*******" doesn't allow for the downloaded file to be in zip format, it has to be in its plain original format to security conduct file scan every time the file is downloaded. The requested idea is to change...
Abdulrahman AlMohimeed over 1 year ago in Risk & Compliance 0 Open for voting

Re-use of values available on questionnaire instead of survey schedular task

As an user, I want to be able to re-use the values which were entered in an existing Survey (DPIA) for the purpose of reusing existing DPIA (Data Protection Impact Assessment) answers. This will allow me to save time and effort in creating new DPI...
Pascale Wessel almost 2 years ago in Risk & Compliance 0 Open for voting

Option Sperre „Offene Vorfälle“

Optional können diejenigen Objekte eines Objekttyps von der automatischen Anonymisierung nach Punkt 2 ausgenommen werden, deren Issues zum Prüfzeitpunkt noch „offen“ sind bzw. vor weniger als einem Sperr-Zeitraum geschlossen wurden Beispiel: ein K...
Andreas Geis almost 2 years ago in Risk & Compliance 0 Open for voting