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Technical Administration

Showing 147

I would like to have an option for the ARIS administrators to see ARIS connect as a specific user.

A lot of times we get requests from users that we don't have access to ARIS or we cant use certain functionality in ARIS. We usually have to skype them or wait for them to actually visualise what the problem is. If we had an option where we can ju...
Guest about 3 years ago in Technical Administration 1 Open for voting

ARIS UMC user attribute necessary to store a password

ARIS users in UMC have Attributes (key-value). It is necessary, that we'll get another kind of attribute not visible for people to store passwords. So, only "********" are visible after having maintained that password. Additionally, that attribute...
Dietmar Durek about 3 years ago in Technical Administration 0 Open for voting

Do not always redirect to the default tenant

Currently if you acces the web interface just by server name (e.g. http://localhost) you will always be redirected to the default tenant or sub pages of the default tenant (e.g. download client). This is fine for singe tenant systems but not for m...
Sebastian Huber about 3 years ago in Technical Administration 1 Open for voting

Validierung der Mailadresse

Hallo Ideen-Portal, die Validierung der Mailadresse sollte einfach durch das Senden eines Validierungs-E-Mails an den User erfolgen. Das Mail wird in der Folge durch den User per Link bestätigt. VG Alfred Wieser.
Alfred Wieser over 1 year ago in Technical Administration 2 Open for voting

Enhance current SAML-based SSO in ARIS UMC to include un-assigning user from user group

After a user group tagging is removed in customer AD, next time when this user login via SSO and group names is not there in SAML payload response also, the current SAML-based SSO in ARIS UMC can be enhanced to include un-assigning user from user ...
Mohua Bill Xiong 7 months ago in Technical Administration 0 Open for voting

Enhance the current logout behaviour of SSO sessions

When a SSO session user logs out, by default the user is redirected to the SSO login page and auto-logged-in again. But when changing the logout URL in SSO configuration, strange behaviour is observed: a logout URL does prevent an auto-login. But ...
Mohua Bill Xiong 7 months ago in Technical Administration 0 Open for voting

Split the function privilege to allow users to have only access to Charts in ARIS Connect

Currently, to be able to access the Charts in ARIS Connect, it requires to have different function privileges (user admin, doc admin, collaboration admin, etc).
Mohua Bill Xiong 7 months ago in Technical Administration 1 Open for voting

notification message for Admins when users/size limits are reached!

We have experienced issues when it comes to data events reaching the size limitation and therefore affecting the availability and performance of ARIS. this Idea is to give the possibility to customer to configure notifications settings in order to...
Rosa Vorzillo over 2 years ago in Technical Administration 1 Planned

Implement an audit log for tracking user actions in ARIS

We have often requests from customers to check who did certain action in ARIS (e.g. who uploaded and activated modset/configset etc). Such information is partly covered by user statistics, but is incomplete. It will be good to have something as an...
Filip Filipov 7 months ago in Technical Administration / Business Process Analysis 0 Open for voting

Add report API to manipulate and create method content

Add a report API to manipulate and create method content. The API should cover: Creating and deleting user defined method content (attributes types, model types, symbol types, ...). Editing standard and user defined method content (e.g. changing t...
Sebastian Huber about 3 years ago in Technical Administration 0 Open for voting