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Pinned ideas

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PINNED Multiselection attributes
It would be good, if there was an attribute where multiple values could be selected, instead of creating multiple value/bool attributes. And therefore maintaining only one attribute instead of many.
PINNED Use right-click -> open in new tab/window in ARIS Connect portal
Hello, This request is about being able to choose "open in new tab" / "open in new window" when doing a right click on a navigation link within the portal (in factsheet, catalog, search result,...) For example, from the overview page of a model, w...

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Showing 1577

Assign manual colors to values + consistent colors

Feature Description The capability to assign colors to individual dimensional values. E.g Spain = Yellow, Belgium = Green, Germany = Blue, etc Also color assignments should remain consistent when analyzing. Reason Certain customers want to have a ...
Roland van de Ruit over 4 years ago in Process Mining 0 Open for voting

Enterprise Search Enhancements

We have recently introduced the enterprise search feature (replacing the old portal search). There are a few features of the old portal search that do not seem to be present in the new enterprise search, but they we features that our ARIS users re...
Cameron Bradbury 6 months ago in Publication & Collaboration 0 Open for voting

Process interfaces for Enterprise BPMN

Enterprise BPMN is getting more and more popular with our customers, since they can add anything they want to the BPMN standard, except one thing: process interfaces. In 2 out of 3 customer projects this is the main "problem" when using BPMN. Plea...
Rahel Ruchser 6 months ago in Modeling & Contribution 1 Open for voting

Create a step-by-step view for Customer Journeys like for Business Processes

It could be nice to add several views to the Customer Journeys such as a step-by-step view of customer journeys, like for business processes. Instead of displaying working-methods in the right-pane, it would display channel, customer touchpoint, e...
Patrick Evrard 7 months ago in Publication & Collaboration 0 Open for voting

Calendar overview of scheduled reports

To improve the overview of the scheduled reports, there should be an automatically generated monthly / weekly / daily overview. A Gantt chart with average runtimes as runtime lengths would be optimal. [in deutsch] Zur Verbesserung der Übersicht de...
Hubert Warsitz over 1 year ago in Content Analysis & Reporting 0 Open for voting

Make ARIS more open in order to get own content easy extractable

Most products have an open database structure. ARIS has not (yet)... We have an urgent need for some kind of data warehouse and a flexible solution for reporting for which we are now developing labour-intensive reports in the ARIS Architect.
Arnout Westra over 1 year ago in Technical Administration 5 Open for voting

apply template based on database or user/user group

At the moment it is possible to define a template for all users and all databases in Administration, which is good. But there are customers that have multiple databases and multiple templates. Applying one template for all databases and users in t...
Veronika Prueher-Pilsl almost 3 years ago in Modeling & Contribution 1 Open for voting

Unique Home Page per database

The diagram on the home page can be changed for a specific database, it should therefore be possible to change the Component layout / content for each database. For example, one database may require additional / different "Quick Links" (such as a ...
Daryl Spires almost 3 years ago in Publication & Collaboration 0 Open for voting

Reports - enhance ADS Document Metadata

In ARIS reporting, there are few properties of ADS document missing in ClassADSDocumentMetaInfo, e.g. "Created on", "Created by", "Locked by", "Last change", "Last changed by", "File size" etc. Please could you enhance the class to get as many inf...
Pavel Hanacek about 3 years ago in Modeling & Contribution 2 Open for voting

EMS - Proper management of validity of content

Hi, When implementing a QMS or EMS it's important to have valid content.Therefore customers define validity dates in ARIS and there is now the dashboard which displays this info, but anext requirement is that ARIS actually does something with this...
Koen Maes about 3 years ago in Modeling & Contribution 6 Open for voting