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How can we make ARIS better?


Showing 76 of 1416

Allow y-axis "sort by"when partitioning on bar charts

When we add a column to the "partition" configuration, the "sort by" option on the y-axis disappears. So if I for example want to show the sum of column A per column B in a barchart, split up by categories in column C, I cannot sort the column B v...
Aron van Stiphout about 2 years ago in Dashboarding 0 Will not implement

Provide a description field for dashboard components

In order to be able to explain components in an Aware dashboard to end users, we would love to be able to provide a description for each component. This can be visualized for example using an
Aron van Stiphout about 2 years ago in Dashboarding 1 Open for voting

Specify a single data source for a group

By specifiying a single data source for a group, changes in that source result in less maintenance work, as it only impacts the group's data source, instead of each singular item. I.e, when a column in the data source changes its name, we now have...
Aron van Stiphout about 2 years ago in Dashboarding 0 Open for voting

Customizable tooltips for table column headers

We struggle to provide our dashboard users with more in-depth explanations regarding data aggregations and data sources in tables without referring to external documentation. To address this issue we would like to expand on an already existing fea...
Guest about 2 years ago in Dashboarding 0 Open for voting

Erkennen von Datenfeeds die nicht in Dashboards verwendet werden

Erkennen von Datenfeeds die nicht in Dashboards verwendet werden
Marius Wittrop about 2 years ago in Dashboarding 0 Open for voting

Add tags/description while in navigation mode to dashboards

It is possible to add "tags"/descriptions to dashboards to make it easier to find specific dashboards. However, it is not possible to add these while in the navigation portal with the full dashboards list.It would be nice to add this function to t...
Xinyu Li about 2 years ago in Dashboarding 0 Open for voting

Capability to report an overview of all dashboard privilages

ING needs to have an overview of all assigned Read and write privilages for all Aware Dashboards. Can we have a report for this?
Guest about 2 years ago in Dashboarding 0 Open for voting

Add Checkbox Widget in ARIS Aware Dashboards

Add a newCheckbox (Tickbox)Widget when creating ARIS Aware dashboards that can be used for filtering data in tables, charts, etc. Ideally this would work the same way tickboxes work for ARIS attributes, where it can have values of true, false or u...
Guest about 2 years ago in Dashboarding 0 Open for voting

assign multiple widgets to one datafeed

Inside one dashboard, the different widgets often have the same data source / datafeed. Assign one datafeed to the entire dashboard: then, all contained widget could be assigned to the datafeed.
Gabriella Faieta about 2 years ago in Dashboarding 0 Open for voting

vWaterfall charts

Different type of waterfall charts, live column and bar chart, stacked
Gabriella Faieta about 2 years ago in Dashboarding 0 Open for voting