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How can we make ARIS better?

Technical Administration

Showing 147

ARIS Solution Packages

Dear team,Many of our ARIS projects contain solutions that consist of multiple components like an APG workflow + method customization (user defined attributes) + an AWARE dashboard + a scheduled report, just to give an example. The deployment and ...
Niazi Darwish about 2 years ago in Technical Administration 0 Open for voting

LDAP - optimize performance in UMC

Hello ARIS Experts, in case big amount users in LDAP or Multiple LDAP UMC I would appreciate have a new feature to optimize performance in UMC. I did like to have imported users as it is - who really works with ARIS - as ARIS Designers or ARIS Arc...
Robert Vajdík about 2 years ago in Technical Administration 0 Open for voting

Announcement Indicator / to show on Portal Screen

Current when a global announcement is generated, system users will not see the announcement unless they navigate to the collaboration section. Since collaboration is not always used by the users, important announcements could be missed by many use...
Nicola Adas about 2 years ago in Technical Administration 0 Open for voting

Better tolerance to network interuptions & Offline use for download client

Restore database connection and keep models open in case of connection interuption or -change:This would remove the hassle to memorize and re-open all open models when the network connection is interupted (connect to docking station, move between ...
Christian Schumacher over 2 years ago in Technical Administration 0 Open for voting

ARIS Cloud - need for an automated backup

Need to have scheduled tenant backup facility, because of:• Increasing importance from Global Standards and regulators for the process content stored in ARIS.• Able to quickly fall back on a backup and carry out recovery actions in the event of an...
Jan Grootenhuis over 2 years ago in Technical Administration 0 Open for voting

notification message for Admins when users/size limits are reached!

We have experienced issues when it comes to data events reaching the size limitation and therefore affecting the availability and performance of ARIS. this Idea is to give the possibility to customer to configure notifications settings in order to...
Rosa Vorzillo over 2 years ago in Technical Administration 1 Planned

Improve ARIS user administration

User administration is rather cumbersome. It is difficult to get a good overview as different pieces of information (Users, User groups, Privileges etc.) are found under different tabs. User reports can be extracted but it is an extra step. It wou...
Johan Bengtsson over 2 years ago in Technical Administration 0 Open for voting

ARIS Cloud - Make file transfer from ARIS cloud to Specific storage

For Philips CloudOPs has implemented solution to allow Philips to downloads Archive file into their storage (Option 1 below) This is not acceptable with Philips due to requirement of having dediciated machine havinf static IP. Option 1 : have a de...
Ashish Goyal over 2 years ago in Technical Administration 0 Open for voting

UMC - Extended Search by other attributes

At this moment UMC search option search only in name. The new advanced search shall offer search also by other columns, especially by e-mail (imagine 14 k users and you need find person by e-mail. Search by name is not feasible in case of "Umlauts...
Zdenek Kocourek over 2 years ago in Technical Administration 0 Open for voting

Encryption of SAML assertion

Hello, We integrate ARIS with our SAML environment (OneLogin), a recommendation is to encrypt the assertion but this functionnality is not available from ARIS side (confirmed by Software AG support: case SI-471480)Could Sofware AG integrate this f...
Pierre Prevosto over 2 years ago in Technical Administration 0 Open for voting