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Pinned ideas

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PINNED Use right-click -> open in new tab/window in ARIS Connect portal
Hello, This request is about being able to choose "open in new tab" / "open in new window" when doing a right click on a navigation link within the portal (in factsheet, catalog, search result,...) For example, from the overview page of a model, w...
PINNED EMS - Proper management of validity of content
Hi, When implementing a QMS or EMS it's important to have valid content.Therefore customers define validity dates in ARIS and there is now the dashboard which displays this info, but anext requirement is that ARIS actually does something with this...

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Showing 174

Hiding of particular tabs in an analysis

Option to hide certain tabs from viewers/certain user groups would be beneficial.
Guest almost 3 years ago in Process Mining 1 Shipped

Selection of formatting & scale on the diagrams.

It is crucial to enable changing of the format & scale on the measures on the diagrams? Also, fixing/setting a default type (always the same, e.g. hours, not days/hours/ms) Current random setup is extremely confusing for the end user.
Guest almost 3 years ago in Process Mining 2 Shipped

Support size changes of components

Currently, resizing of components is possible with various limitations, e.g. double the size etc. This causes limited usability.
Guest almost 3 years ago in Process Mining 2 Shipped

PRIORITY : Copying tabs

This is a basic functionality that must be implemented ASAP. Not having it causes e xtremely high additional effort - it cannot stay like this.
Guest almost 3 years ago in Process Mining 3 Shipped

PRIORITY : URGENT! Copying components between tabs

This is a basic functionality that must be implemented ASAP. Not having it causes e xtremely high additional effort - it cannot stay like this.
Guest almost 3 years ago in Process Mining 3 Shipped

PRIORITY : URGENT! Sharying/copying analyses between projects

This is a basic functionality that must be implemented ASAP. Not having it causes extremely high additional effort - it cannot stay like this.
Guest almost 3 years ago in Process Mining 1 Shipped

Event grouping

Flexible setup of event grouping, directly in the FE. End User (Viewer) should be able to decide whether grouped or ungrouped view is wished. Assigning events to groups should be done in ARIS, ideally, in the FE (dashboards) AND in the transformat...
Guest almost 3 years ago in Process Mining 2 Shipped

Change of the default time scale for graphs

The default time scale for graphs is month. When reopening the analysis, it always goes back to the month. Default setup should be possible to change.
Guest almost 3 years ago in Process Mining 4 Shipped

Enable saving of changes in the transformation

As there is no way to 'save' a transformation, erorrs might occur. After changing a table in the tranformation, it keeps on coming back to the previous state, hence causing errors
Guest almost 3 years ago in Process Mining 1 Shipped

Overlay traces & BPMN

Option to compare BPMN diagram and the process flow visually.
Guest almost 3 years ago in Process Mining 0 Shipped