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Pinned ideas

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PINNED Spreadsheets - generate dashboard link
I really like the webbased spreadsheets in ARIS 10 SR24. Please also enable the generate dashboard link option via web similar to the option in ARIS Architect
PINNED Make all ADS document versions visible, more than one deletable at once
Currently, only the last 100 versions of a document are displayed in the ADS. We sometimes have more than 1000 versions of protocol documents. We would therefore like to be able to display all versions, 100 units are sufficient for each page. We w...

Modeling & Contribution

Showing 492

Showing universal attributes when adding object to model

Current situation Current situation when adding existing object to model.Only Path is visible. See also attachment. Only after adding the object, you will see the CI-number and you are able to view other attributes.When you have picked the wrong C...
Martin de Boer 6 months ago in Modeling & Contribution 0 Open for voting

It should be possible to insert documents into the ADS via drag & drop

Basically, it would be good if you could insert documents into the ADS using drag & drop. If you are located directly in the ADS and place the document to the right of the group hierarchy with the selected group in the free area and then drop ...
Hubert Warsitz 6 months ago in Modeling & Contribution 0 Open for voting

Connect Designer - make explorer available

Make the explorer view in the Connect Designer available, such that the user can select a model to assign to an object. Ex-ARIS Architect users that know where their models are stored, really love this possibility to create assignments
Koen Maes 10 months ago in Modeling & Contribution 0 Open for voting

Add attribute of relationship to search capability

When searching for a model, you can locate it by entering a value of an attribute. A model will appear if the value appears in an attribute of an object within that model. When a attribute is added to a relationship, this is not the case. We would...
Thomas Rebel 10 months ago in Modeling & Contribution 0 Open for voting

allow to hide folders (with no access rights for designers)

Several team members have expressed interest in hiding folders defined as not visible (no access rights) to the designers. This could be interesting when you manage an unique repository for multiple legal entities (for example) or for specific use...
Alessia Graci 3 months ago in Modeling & Contribution 0 Open for voting

Button for quick access of Attribute placements

When attribute placements need to be done or changed, it takes several clicks to be able to access attribute placement functionality. It would be good if there was a button for direct access of attribute placements in a ribbon for easier and quick...
Veronika Prueher-Pilsl almost 3 years ago in Modeling & Contribution 0 Open for voting

Add symbol Kaizen Blitz to Value Stream Maps

For Value Streams it seems that an additional symbol for short and powerful "measures" was introduced - Kaizen Blitz. It would be good, if that was available in ARIS, too.
Veronika Prueher-Pilsl 3 months ago in Modeling & Contribution 0 Open for voting

Consolidate objects of selected occurences

Two or more occurences are selected in an open model. Now it would be desirable to have an option to consolidate the definitions for the selected occurences. In German: In einem geöffneten Modell werden zwei oder mehrere Ausprägungen selektiert. J...
Hubert Warsitz about 2 years ago in Modeling & Contribution 1 Open for voting

Allow BPMN2 subprocess object 'expand' and 'collapse' from Portal view of model

In BPMN2 notation the 'expand' and 'collapse' functionality of subprocess objects is only available when editing the repository version of the model. It would be extremely useful to be able to access that functionality from the published Portal vi...
Chris Ballingall almost 3 years ago in Modeling & Contribution 4 Open for voting

Allow multi-dimensional attribute to cater for time series, etc.

It would open up more depth to many use cases if a multi-dimensional attribute type was available, especially for time-series. Time series data to track data over time e.g. for: KPIs Risk assessments Change notes
Jesper Loell 7 months ago in Modeling & Contribution 1 Open for voting