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How can we make ARIS better?
Status Open for voting
Created by Alan Kearns
Created on Mar 22, 2022

Improve "Optimize layout" options

We like to have a consistent look and feel for all models within our Database. However there are limitations to the optimize layout functionality for process models (EPC is our use case) which prevent use. We find we spend a lot of time manually moving objects around / educating our designers.

  1. Set the desired locations of particular objects in relation to a function (similar to attribute locations) (Roles, Org Unit, External person, Technical items, Application systems).
  2. Add an option for layout of multiple event / function objects relative to XOR, OR, AND rules as 'Offset'. Offset = where the first event is directly underneath the Gate, then other objects are offset to the right with appropriate spacing (we use a �happy / good path� with objects aligned vertically down the left hand side)
  3. Add the option to set different spacing between satellite objects (with more than 4 objects connected to functions it can take up much space currently)

Brainstorm ID 7891
Created on Brainstorm 04/16/2020 03:20 AM