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Created by Guest
Created on Mar 22, 2022

Set BluePrint functionality available


We are using ARIS Connect to design our process, and SAP SOLMAN to document processus and process steps.

We interface ARIS and SOLMAN, ARIS exporting the process to SOLMAN and SOLMAN exporting the documentation to ARIS.

In ARIS, we would like to access to the process step designed in the SOLMAN environnement, in order to maintain it.

We notice that it is possible with ARIS designer (java interface), using the button "Display Blueprint", which is in the menu tab "SAP Solutions" of a process step.

SoftWare AG consultants recommend us to use ARIS Connect instead of ARIS Designer, and we have followed this recommendation.

But your consultant Stephane Milutinovic tell me that in ARIS Connect, this functionalityis not available. It would be hardly a good thing to set this functionality available in ARIS Connect.

Regards, Marc Leydet.
Brainstorm ID 8504
Created on Brainstorm 09/22/2020 11:42 PM