- 1) create an archimate collaboration diagram
- 2) in this diagram :
- 2a) create an application component (A)
- 2b) create a data object (B)
- 2c) create another data object (C)
- 3) Create a connection between A and B of type access, add the attribute "access type" = '"read" to the relationship
- 4) Create a connection between A and C of type access, add the attribute "access type" '"create" to the relationship
- 5) The diagram shows two dotted lines between A---B and A--C
- 6) but to reflect the relationship semantics the diagram should show t relationships with arrows like : A <-- B , and A --> C
See Archimate 3.x specifications
http://pubs.opengroup.org/architecture/archimate3-doc/chap05.html , section 5.2.2
You can still manually add the arrows by modifying the connections apperances but :
- you have to do it by hand
- one could add an arrow in the wrong direction, that is an arrows that contradicts the relationship semantics , say for example you'll see A --> B (application A writes to data object B) in the diagram and have an access type "read"