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How can we make ARIS better?
Status Open for voting
Created by Kay Fischbach
Created on Mar 25, 2022

Report crash - send e-mail with crash information to administrator

Current situation:

When a report crashes (usually due to some exception being thrown), the user that started the report is shown the crash information (exception message + stacktrace).

The user then has to report the problem to their ARIS administrator, which can look into the matter.

This requires a useful problem description provided by the report user, which in turn requires the report user to remember things like selected context and what the actual problem message was (in case they closed it).

This entire process until the administrator can reproduce the problem takes time and is error prone.

Suggested improvement:

The ARIS Administrator should be able to configure an e-mail address that receives report crash information.

Whenever any report crashes (scheduled reports, reports stated by a user from the client or Connect portal and reports started by APG) the ARIS Administrator should receive the following information:

  • Execution context (object definitions, groups,...) specified with tenant name, database, item name and GUID

  • Name + GUID of the Report that crashed

  • Exception message

  • Exception stack trace

How would this improve ARIS:

This would allow ARIS administrators to respond to report crashes more quickly and efficiently without having to check logs and without depending on ARIS users reporting the crash.

The ARIS administrator may restrict the report availability by un-ticking its availability check-boxes, may quickly apply a fix if it's just a small code change, ...