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How can we make ARIS better?
Status Open for voting
Created by Bas Pronk
Created on Jun 2, 2022

Bulk import of data

ARIS is really lacking in a capability to import bulk data.

There are reports available to mass import data, but they are very technical and the generated report does not autmoatically fill out all the filter information. It takes so much time to look up all the identifiers and is generally not user friendly.

Copy pasting of several lines into the Architect/Designer client will prompt you to create several objects at once using a certain symbol. But this functionality does not check against existing objects.

A new capability, preferably in Connect, where you can fill out a spreadsheet-like thing to import bulk data would be more user friendly. This would then also check against existing objects and prompt you what to do for each conflict found.

You could even add functionality similar to the query spreadsheet where you add the AT_DESC for example in the table header and use that to also import attributes for the new objects.