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Created by Arnout Westra
Created on Oct 3, 2023

Offer the possibility to log in the portal with different filter

Is it possible to log into the portal with different Connect viewers? Meaning, it should depends on which filter you are assigned to? I am not referring to the role functionality.

  • Arnout Westra
    Oct 24, 2023

    Hi Cecilia,

    Some context: we have different types of content in a ARIS database; process content and GDPP content. Viewers are or interested in the process content or interested in the GDPP content. Suppose we have two separate modeling filters (Process/GDPP) for this database.

    So, if a user who is only interested in processes logs in in the portal and goes to the database, he/she could only see process content. The same goes for GDPP viewers.

    I hope it is clear now😊?

    If not, let me know...


  • Cecilia Lauer
    Oct 23, 2023

    Thanks for posing this question, Arnout. Do I understand correctly that you want a Viewer to have options to change "filter"? Why would you want to expose this to a Viewer? Can you please elaborate about the purpose?