Um die Versionen von ARIS-Reports und -Makros bei der Entwicklung zu verwalten, müssen diese aus dem ARIS Architect exportiert und lokal in ein Quellcodeverwaltungsystem importiert werden.
Dabei müssen die Skripte in die einzelnen Bestandteile (Skript, importierte Dateien) zerlegt werden was mitunter sehr aufwendig ist.
Wünschenswert wäre eine direkte Schnittstelle zu einem Quellcodeverwaltungsystem, z.B. Azure DevOps, mit der der Quellcode ein- und ausgecheckt werden kann.
To manage the versions of ARIS reports and macros during development, they must be exported from ARIS Architect and imported locally into a source code management system.
The scripts must be broken down into the individual components (script, imported files), which is sometimes very time-consuming.
A direct interface to a source code management system, e.g. Azure DevOps, with which the source code can be checked in and out would be desirable.
Brainstorm ID | 8529 |
Created on Brainstorm | 09/30/2020 06:01 AM |
To manage the versions of ARIS reports and macros during development, they must be exported from ARIS Architect and imported locally into a source code management system.
The scripts must be broken down into the individual components (script, imported files), which is sometimes very time-consuming.
A direct interface to a source code management system, e.g. Azure DevOps, with which the source code can be checked in and out would be desirable.