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How can we make ARIS better?
Status Open for voting
Created by T Y
Created on Mar 13, 2022

Allow multiple publications from one and same ARIS DB

ARIS Publisher EOL was announced for April 2023, which should be replaced by Connect, while however it still does not allow simultaneous publications of different Change lists from one and same DB.

This is one of the most useful features of Publisher, for instance - we create some current 'state-v1-publication' for review of end users, then we make modelling changes upon their feedback and create new Change list followed by new 'state-v2-publication', which can be reviewed while the previous one stays still active and accessible. And this is used by several projects running in parallel and having separate [user] groups of reviewers, hence publications. As a result: we may have 5 publications from 'Review DB' that are created in one week, but have different names and can be reviewed by different groups of stakeholders. And they all are active in same time.

In Connect this is not possible: you can only publish 1 Change list (or workspace) from an ARIS DB. And the only way to keep several publications active in same time is to create a new ARIS DB for any new publication, which in our case would result in more than 250 DBs, which is unhandy to be managed and to be used.

Therefore the proposal to allow creation of multiple publications from one and same ARIS DBs or at least to improve the way they are offered for review by end user (current small drop-down list is useless if you have hundred of publications with no option to search by name).

Brainstorm ID 8231
Created on Brainstorm 06/29/2020 08:08 AM
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