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Created by Aron van Stiphout
Created on Mar 13, 2022

APG relationships unavailable in ARIS Connect though they are available in ARIS Architect

Some relationships that are used for APG can only be modelled in ARIS Architect, as APG as a whole can only be modelled in Architect. Though we understand that generating the workflows etc. only works from Architect, we would like to be able to model relationships for example between Roles and Organization Units that can then be retrieved in a Governance Workflow in ARIS Connect.

This would allow our client to do the modelling work to enable the Governance Workflow without having to get used to the complex Java Client, while we as a consulting company can do the more complex work in Architect.

Examples of relationships that can be modelled in ARIS Architect but not in Connect:

- Is organization manager for (Role --> Organizational unit): 395 CT_IS_ORG_RSPN

- Is composed of (Organizational unit --> Role): 7 CT_IS_CRT_BY

Brainstorm ID 9240
Created on Brainstorm 06/28/2021 01:25 AM
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