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Status Open for voting
Created by Phillip Kazanis
Created on Mar 13, 2022

Paste and create Association

Enhancement suggestion – Paste and create Association

This request centers on rapidly attaching the same Object to a number of objects on the same diagram.

When developing a model e.g. EPC and you have initially identified the business and technical functional steps then want to go and attach system and process roles, you should have the option of pasting and attaching to the same symbol.

For example the process below, I need to go and paste the same system and process role to all the SAP functions. I should be able to say Paste to all the same symbol and auto attach.

Approximate steps user would take:

1. Create an EPC diagram

2. Copy an Object, e.g. a Role

3. Then select an object on the EPC diagram, e.g. Function

4. Then select ‘Paste/attached to all with the same symbol’

5. This will paste the Role object next to the symbol with an association to the Function object

Brainstorm ID 7243
Created on Brainstorm 08/22/2019 04:58 PM
  • +1