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How can we make ARIS better?
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Created by Guest
Created on Mar 7, 2022

Intelligent A2A (Alfabet-Aris) synching

Business applications (OT: app. sys. type) can be imported from Alfabet to ARIS via A2A synch. If there are models blocked in ARIS db due to active approval workflow, etc. with occurrences of any of the application systems, then the A2A synch routine does not work, and generates an error message in a non-human readable format.

Recommendation 1: when user launches the A2A synch, a warning message appears until all of the impacted and blocked apps are freed up.


Recommendation 2: once A2A synch stops running (in spite of blocked app. system objects) provides the user with a list of a) updated objects, and b) blocked objects - that the sync did not touch at all.

Brainstorm ID 9220
Created on Brainstorm 06/17/2021 06:31 AM
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