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How can we make ARIS better?
Status Open for voting
Created by Klaus Dörner
Created on Apr 7, 2022

Page View Count: visitors and owners have the ability to see how many people have visited a page

Measure what you Manage:

One of the main purposes of ARIS pages is to be read by users.

The page view count is a simple indicator regarding the potential success (or failure) of an ARIS page.

The page view counter is a standard feature of most CMS systems.

My proposal is to add "page view count" as a standard feature for ARIS pages.

  • Klaus Dörner
    Apr 26, 2022

    Whoever posted this: Thank you!


Hit rates for Procedures

Process owners need to know how many times a procedure has been accessed within a time period, either since go live or for a particular month. This enables them to manage embedding the procedure and ensuring the correct viewers are accessing.
Rebecca Shemans over 2 years ago in Publication & Collaboration 0 Open for voting