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Created by Theo Padding
Created on May 1, 2023

APG set up

I am investigating how to set up a development environment for creating ARIS Process Governance workflows for future use.

Issue #1

Currently the database Governance Automation Models is provided, but I would like to have a database with only the services and without the sample models / use cases. And with no constants and variables, so we can set up our own structure. The provided database can be used as a reference.

Furthermore I would like to have a possibility to merge a workflow from e.g. a development database to a production database where approved workflows can be generated.


How can we create workflows that can last over future releases of ARIS. If there is a new version of the Governance Automation Models (maybe with new services...), do we need to remodel all of our workflows and local services? There is no clarity on how workflows are migrated to new releases of ARIS.

Issue #2

Another issue is the copying of objects. It would be useful to prevent many definitions of the same object, especially constants and/or variables. I saw many duplicates when we were developing our workflows (as a demo). This was due to copying in the workflow models. In the Options there is a possibilty to change it, but it would be more useful to prevent it while copying. Similar to how it works with SAP Solution manager, for Functions to use occurrence or definition copy and changing it to SAP Shadow symbol. Modellers get a warning when copying Function object and can select the options there. They should be aware of the consequences when copying objects.


To keep the number of duplicate limited.

It would be nice to have better solution for these issues.

  • Theo Padding
    Sep 25, 2023

    Hi Cecilia,

    Many thanks for your reply!

    I am interested in the next generation of workflow design. Is it possible to, for example, participate in a testing group or be informed about how the next generation of workflow design works?



  • Cecilia Lauer
    Sep 25, 2023

    Hi Theo, I suggest to get in touch with ARIS support to help with issue #1 you describe above. Issue #2 we are happy to pick up and consider during the concept and design phase for the next generation of workflow design. For the java based APG client we will not make any such change anymore.

  • Theo Padding
    Sep 6, 2023

    Is it possible to get some feedback on this? Maybe via personal contact. In november I want to start with new APG processes and to train colleagues creating APG workflows. I want to have a proper set up of the APG database and versioning.