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How can we make ARIS better?
Status Open for voting
Created by Hubert Warsitz
Created on Mar 7, 2022

Report abort after client connection abort

If the connection from the client to the server is interrupted during the report execution, the report is also canceled. In the case of long-running reports, this leads to undefined statuses in the database being edited.

Desire: After starting the report from the client, the report is executed on the server, even if the connection from the client is aborted.


Wird während der Reportausführung die Verbindung von Client zum Server unterbrochen wird auch der Report abgebrochen. Das führt bei lang laufenden Reports zu undefinierten Zuständen in der gerade bearbeiteten Datenbank.

Wunsch: Nach Start des Report vom Client wird der Report auf dem Server ausgeführt, auch wenn es zu einem Verbindungsabbruch vom Client kommt.

Brainstorm ID 6625
Created on Brainstorm 01/09/2019 02:28 AM
  • Philip Hake
    Oct 6, 2023

    Thank you for sharing your idea. Your idea hasn't been published yet for voting since it contains a reference to a customer.

    Either consent that we can publish the idea as is, or remove any reference to the customer.

    Thank you

  • +2