The current access right roles within ARIS designer and ARIS architect cause pollution and limits the possibility of reuse of our library objects.
With a large amount of designers in our organization we see that objects that are in our libraries are often created new or duplicated as new objects.
Although we can manage that as a cleanup action we'd rather see that 'normal designers' cannot create new objects of certain object types that are part of a library (I.e. Applications, Role objects or L1 functions).
I'd like to see a an option that for specific object types for certain users or user groups can only be set to 'Re-use only'. With this option set to our 'normal' designers they can only reuse i.e. Roles on their models and not create new ones.
Possible approaches could be to disallow creation rights in Groups for certain object types for selected users.
Challenge: How can a designer request an object that is not in the library fast without slowing down the design process (perhaps a temp/dummy object).
Brainstorm ID | 7154 |
Created on Brainstorm | 07/18/2019 01:29 AM |