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Workspace Process Mining
Created by Jens Nitzschke
Created on Jun 23, 2023

Report of Table/Column configurations in extraction (and/or) transformation

We provide solutions with predefined extractions (and transformations) from source systems. We can't provide a document/report for the used tables with selected columns, data formats (and filters). When customers want to start a quick scan project with manually uploaded csv-files based on a solution, this information is very helpful to speed up projects and reduce the amount of data, loaded into APM.

From my added comment: In addition, column format for the import into the source tables is very helpful. In many cases we use TXT format, instead the import dialogue detects/suggests other format. This can lead to errors in the transformations

  • Jens Nitzschke
    Aug 15, 2023

    In addition, column format for the import into the source tables is very helpful. In many cases we use TXT format, instead the import dialogue detects/suggests other format. This can lead to errors in the preconfigured transformations.