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Workspace Process Mining
Created by Roland van de Ruit
Created on May 25, 2020

New Chart: Combined chart

Feature Description

New chart type which combines a column chart + a line chart

Currently available in PPM GUI (not in AWARE)


Typically used to either determine the relation between 2 metrics or show the relevance of a given metric

  • Roland van de Ruit
    Jun 10, 2020

    Thanks Marcus - after some trial and error i manage to find the correct setup.

    1- Add 2 measures

    2- Set 1 measure to show as Column and 1 as Line

    3- Change Axis of 1 of the measures to Secondairy

    Step number 3 took me a while to find and figure out.

    Wouldn't it make sense that the moment you add an additional measure both measures are distributed over the different Axis (Primary or Secondairy) automatically instead of both being set to 'Primairy'?

  • Markus von den Driesch
    Jun 9, 2020

    This should be possible in the chart options. Select the series in the drop-down in top of config panel and change the series type