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Workspace Process Mining
Created by Roland van de Ruit
Created on Aug 24, 2023

Conformance Issues available outside conformance App

I would like to use the number of issues metric and conformance issues types (invalid start, invalid end, sequence, unwanted) outside the specialized conformance APP

I see the following use cases
1- Use the conformance issues types for benchmarking purposes -> e.g. We see the issue type 'invalid start' occurring a lot in this location

2- Follow the development of conformance issues types over time -> e.g. The number of unwanted activities is going down the last 3 months but we see a sharp uptake in the invalid start issues

3- Evaluate the activity performance in relation the conformance issues -> e.g. We execute activity C 1000 times, in 3% of the cases its an invalid start, in 5% its involved in a sequence issue, etc
4- Variant level analysis -> e.g. List of variants and per variant i can see the fitness rate (e.g. 80%) and the different and number of issues that were found -> e.g. 1 invalid start, 2 unwanted issues

  • Paul Fenton
    Nov 22, 2023

    To expand upon this, as a related development request, it would be beneficial for the mapping categories (i.e. Mapped; Disregarded; Unwanted; Unmapped) as configured after the reference model is transferred from ARIS Connect, to be made available for selection in the dashboards as a dimension associated with the activity name.

    There are several use cases, but the most obvious application would be the ability to present at both overall dataset and case levels, at-a-glance volumes and percentages of each conformance mapping category, so we could therefore, see that Case ID 123 has an Unwanted activity ratio of 40%.