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How can we make ARIS better?
Status Open for voting
Workspace Risk & Compliance
Created by Rakan Omar
Created on Mar 30, 2023

Questionnaire Presentation

We have received further feedback from our customer regarding the ARCM survey management view page. Apart from the highlighting of section names, they have also requested that the left panel should show all the sections without questions. Moreover, when selecting a section, only the assigned questions should appear on the right panel.

This will allow for seamless navigation and improve the user experience of our clients

  • Georg Wilhelm
    Apr 19, 2023

    Could you please provide me some screenshot as in standard product, i do not understand that issue. Main purpose for the section on the left only shows the sections and not the questions. In regard of the second request, we see that as a navigation pane and not as filter. Thus, we do not plan to only show the questions for a selected section.