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Workspace Risk & Compliance
Created by Sabine Runge
Created on Apr 18, 2023

Add variant "$generatorLog" to email template "Generator Server Task"

The email template for the "generator server task" email should provide more variants for the design of useful email messages. Currently, it only provides user name, task type (e.g. control execution), environment and URL. It does not state the names of the task related objects (e.g. control execution task name). We request to add more variants for email text design.

Most necessary variant is "$generatorLog", which provides the user with a named list of all generated tasks, with object name and timeline/deadline. This new variant would be similar to the already existing variant "$monitorLog", which is used in the email template for the "monitor server task".

Further variants would be very helpful, such as "names of all users in responsible execution role" (not only the recipient of the mail), added to each task on the list.

Example: email for generating multiple new control execution tasks on same day for same user (resulting from variant "$generatorLog" and existing variants):

Re.: New tasks available in ARCM

Hello John Q. Public,

The following new tasks are available to you in the environment 'theClient'. Please execute them on :

- control execution: XY-12345 - check for duplicate invoice bookings (ID 34118).
the processing period will end 2023/04/30.

- control execution: XY-23456 - prepare test equipment (ID 34556).
the processing period will end 2023/04/30.

- control execution: XY-34567 - check balance sheet (ID 35669)
the processing period will end 2023/05/31.

If you have any questions, please contact

Best regards,
ARIS Risk and Compliance