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Status Open for voting
Workspace Risk & Compliance
Created by Ariel Carrizo
Created on May 18, 2023

Simple interface for risk assessment by the Risk Owner.

The current risk assessment interface has too many tabs with excessive information when evaluating each risk assessment by the Risk Owner. We propose simplifying the interface while still having the option to expand the information. The data that should appear in the main interface are as follows: Risk Name, Assessment End Date. The Risk Owner should be able to input the following: Assessment Type, Inherent Probability, Inherent Impact, Reduced Probability, Reduced Impact, Risk Status. Between the inherent and residual assessment, the controls applied to that assessment should be listed. It could be a list of assessments where this information can be completed in bulk. Additionally, there should be an option to access each assessment to view detailed information, including all the data currently displayed in the tool.

  • Sabine Runge
    Jun 19, 2023

    I support you request and would like to add, that the ARCM administrator should be able to define, which content is necessary for the "simplified" view of the resk assessment. If this definition can only be changed by customizing, this would make the maintenance too expensive for the customers.