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Workspace Risk & Compliance
Created by Rakan Omar
Created on May 24, 2023

Request for Enhancement - Comment History in ARCM

Dear R&D Department,

We have recently discovered a limitation in the ARCM systems related to comment history. Currently, it is possible for users to override comments written by other people on task notes, and there is no history of the previous comments.

Our customer has expressed a desire for a more robust comment history system. Specifically, they would like to see new comments added to the task notes, while retaining the previous comments as a history marked with dates.

We kindly request that you consider this enhancement to the ARCM system.

  • Sabine Runge
    Jun 19, 2023

    I support this request, please implement comment/text history for all types of ARCM tasks (Control Execution, Issue, Risk Management etc.). It would be very helpful to have the comment history "in sight" while editing the task. Not only in the log tab or in the change history report.

  • Georg Wilhelm
    May 26, 2023

    Idea to have this information not only available in the log-tab would make sense