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Workspace Risk & Compliance
Created by Sylvia Groenbos
Created on Jun 14, 2022

Questionnaire Reviewer timer: maximum of 90 days between creation questionnaire and acceptance moment by reviewer

Our Compliancy department requires the period that it takes from initiating a DPIA (a questionnaire in ARCM) until the moment the DPO accepts the identified risks to be a maximum of 90 days.

Can ARCM be adjusted so that with every questionnaire the due date for reviewing (accepting/rejecting) the identified risks is shown? See also attachment.

(calculation: date of initiation = start date + 90 xxx days = should be end date) Currently ARCM is checking only on the Status Completed xxx Requirement = DPIA should be finalized in 90 days so including the review of the DPIA. Why does the Reviewer not have an end date?

  • Georg Wilhelm
    Sep 14, 2023

    Dear customers, please vote on this idea if it is also relevant for your company, as we would like to knof, if this is relevant for multiple companies. Thank you!

  • Sabine Runge
    Jun 19, 2023

    I agree to this request, but we would prefer a more flexible definition of the time limit for the reviewer (not necessarily 90 days, but definable time limit).